Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hourglass Shapes Mainstore Grande Opening!

It's been a long time coming, but the Hourglass Shapes mainstore is finally open!

The store sits near the swamp on the spooky sim of Elliott on Starlustland. And I've finally got enough room to showcase all my shapes, including my eight new releases from the Skin & Shape Expo! In celebration, I'm holding a mini-hunt!

Search in, out, up, and down for five sculpted hourglasses. The hourglasses are $1L/each and contain modifiable and limited perms shapes for men and women both! There's also a special hourglass containing a full series set of grey eyes from =HooT=.

I'm so glad to finally have the mainstore open! Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more from me really soon!

Love you all!
~ Averie ~

TP to the NEW Hourglass Shapes Mainstore in Elliott!